GINA app update
We updated the GINA app for iOS and Android. And there’s some exciting features that you requested. So, what does update #2 bring to GINA users? Here’s a quick overview of changes and improvements.
- We improved the connectivity of GINA. A quick connection pop-up is now available to start brewing as quickly as possible.
- The app will remember the last brew parameters you set, such as ratio and brewing times.
- The ratio screen in iOS version is now rearranged and offers a smoother workflow.
- Cold drip: the maximum brew capacity is now 550 ml (no more “too much water” notification).
- Cold drip: the brewing process now runs in the background and it won’t be stopped when exiting the app.
- GINA now has a battery status indicator. It can be found at the left bottom of the menu screen. After connecting, it can take up to 60 seconds for the battery indicator to refresh.
- We made a lot of small cosmetic changes and fixed small details, along with some minor bugs and glitches.